Titanium Finish Cigar Dual Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...
Gun Metal Finish Cigar Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...
Midnight Black Cigar Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...
Silver Bullet Matte Finish Cigar Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...
Gold Class Matte Gold Finish Cigar Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...
Bluesteel Finish Cigar Arc Lighter
Light your Cigars, Pipes, Bongs, Tea-Lights, Candles and other hard to reach paraphernalia! This USB rechargeable Cigar Arc Lighter will not taint the tobacco, shisha or other flavours with nasty gases or fluids. Approx. 1 hour charge...